2 Ağustos 2014 Cumartesi

HD Widgets v4.1 APK

HD Widgets v4.1 APK - The most fun and easy way to add colorful clocks, weather, and more to your home screen. Now on sale for 0.99 (50% off from 1.99).

Over 1 million users agree: HD Widgets is the most fun and easy way to add widgets to your home screen! Customizing widgets has never been easier! Just swipe and tap to select colors, icons, clocks, layouts, backgrounds and more!

Top 10 Android Apps - Techcrunch

"Android users swear by the HD Widgets app" - The Guardian
"Amazingly awesome and beautiful" - Android Community
"elegant and eye-catching" - Computerworld
"heavy on polish and detail yet light on the wallet" - AndroidGuys

Play Store Editor's Choice for over 2 years!

Widget Features

- clock, date, switches, weather, forecast, & location
- 50+ setting switches
- tap hot spots to open apps (clock / alarm, date, weather)
- phone sizes: 1x1, 1x2, 1x4, 2x1, 2x2, 4x1, 4x2, 4x3, 4x4, 5x1, 5x2, 5x3
- tablet sizes: 6x1, 6x2, 3x5, 8x1, 8x2, 4x7 (and all phone widgets)
- lock screen widgets

HD Widgets v4.1 APK

Theme Packs and Add-Ons

HD Widgets includes FREE Glass Gems theme pack with over 100 widgets for phones and tablets.

Add more theme packs and icons via Play Store:

- Kairo (40+ widgets)
- Kairo XP (60+ widgets)
- Colourform (30+ widgets)
- Colourform XP (50+ widgets)

HD Widgets v4.1 APK

Advanced Weather & Forecast

- the most advanced weather screen available on Android
- multi-source: AccuWeather, Weather Underground & more
- 12-36 hourly graph w/ temperature and chance of rain
- 7-10 day forecasts
- multiple locations

Useful Tips
- HD Widgets 4 requires Android 4.0.3 & up
- UNIVERSAL app made for tablets and phones! No need to purchase again =)
- changing grid size, resolution, firmware/rooting may affect performance
- we don't test ROMs


- camera: to use the LED camera light

 What's New 4.1

- Weather icon pack support
- WeatherBug removed
- new weather service: Open Weather Map
- battery / bandwidth fix
- cleaned up UI (preview, tablet weather)
Widgets disappearing during update? That was recently fixed. Please make sure you’re using the latest version of the Play Store app (4.9.13 or later).

HD Widgets v4.1 APK 

More info from Google Play Store
Download Now

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